Go Out and Vote!

Go Out and Vote!

Today is the day! It is election day and we as a country have a civic duty to go out and vote. This election year is definitely one for the record books, and we as Americans can come together and change the course of history.

Today we find out who will be our next president, and it is our job to go and vote for who we think would be best fit for the office.

I’m not here to endorse a candidate our my own political party, I am writing this small blog entry to express them importance of your vote.

If you support Donald Trump, then vote for him.

If Hillary Clinton is your choice, vote for her.

You are the voice of your country and your vote counts, no matter what anyone says.

Be courteous of other voters and their right to choose, lets help this country move forward!

If you want to spread the word feel free to reblog!

Happy Voting!