Stella’s Restaurant 210, Taking a Chance in a Spot With a Negative Reputation.

Stella’s Restaurant 210, Taking a Chance in a Spot With a Negative Reputation.

So there is a new restaurant in the Taos area, and it has not received the credit needed by anyone, So I am doing my civic duty. This little place has open up recently and I have observed such little activity and I fear that the people of the Taos area are not giving this restaurant a chance because of its location.

The restaurant is located at  210 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, and has opened its doors recently to the public. I myself have been skeptical of the place because of all the negative stigma that has been surrounded by the location. One thing for sure, is word of mouth, and the negative rumors surrounding the location is going to make it difficult for this little restaurant to survive.

There have been many times, I have passed by this place and cringed at the thought of eating there. I admit that my small town prejudice had came out. I can’t count on my two hands how many times I have passed this restaurant and cringed at the thought of eating there, but one day of indecisiveness between my wife and I, and she to my surprise, pulled into the parking lot and I obliged her decision.

I was very reluctant to walk in the doors because the location has a bad reputation. I can remember growing up , and this place was always an asian restaurant, and I would always hear despicable rumors as to their operations, some as bad that people would say they cooked actual cats and served them to the public.

Of course, there are no facts  behind this rumor but it was enough to crumble any restaurant that has tried to succeed it. I definitely  tip my hat off to the owners of this place because when I walked in, I was truly impressed, and I haven’t stepped into this place since I was a child.

When my wife and I, walked in, it was to my surprise that I was greeted by a familiar face, first I thought that the waitress that greeted us found a new opportunity and switched work-places, but to our amazement, that was not the case.

It turned out that the waitress, and I do not know her name, was the same waitress who served us at Stella’s Italian Restaurant.This is a place that I hold dear. I tend to spend special occasions there and I have yet to write  review of it, but that will be another article.

Now, sticking to the current subject, it turns out that this restaurant is owned by the same owners as the Italian restaurant I mentioned earlier, and our waitress turned out to be one of the owners. I found it cute that the restaurant is named after their daughter or granddaughter, I didn’t want to be impolite and ask.

This was definitely an experience that I will not forget due to the fact that my own daughter, who is two years old, decided that she wanted to be difficult. Let me tell you, when she wants to be heard, her scream can almost reach a pitch that can shatter glass.

To keep a too long story short, this has been the best meal I have had in a week. Sometimes it is the impulse, that can motivate us to try something new, and I am grateful it led us to this place.

We were lucky enough, that this place has not reached its popularity and we were the only patrons, because the screams of my daughter reached every corner of this place and despite my apologies the owner made us feel like it was not a burden. She even made it a point to make sure my daughter got her meal long before us, in order to make our dining experience better.

All that aside, I have to say it is a young restaurant, willing to make a name for itself because of their ability to delight anyone who walks in the door. You can tell there is a little bit of inexperience of the cooking staff but the menu is amazing and intriguing, and you will not be disappointed.

I am hoping to reach those people who have that negative stigma in the back of their heads and those who have no idea what this place has to offer as a new culinary experience, to try this Place, and I assure you that you will fall in love.

Lets make sure that this restaurant survives and serves our small community for a long while.

Until next time Happy Eating!