Go Out and Vote!

Go Out and Vote!

Today is the day! It is election day and we as a country have a civic duty to go out and vote. This election year is definitely one for the record books, and we as Americans can come together and change the course of history.

Today we find out who will be our next president, and it is our job to go and vote for who we think would be best fit for the office.

I’m not here to endorse a candidate our my own political party, I am writing this small blog entry to express them importance of your vote.

If you support Donald Trump, then vote for him.

If Hillary Clinton is your choice, vote for her.

You are the voice of your country and your vote counts, no matter what anyone says.

Be courteous of other voters and their right to choose, lets help this country move forward!

If you want to spread the word feel free to reblog!

Happy Voting!

Food for Thought…

Food for Thought…

I find it funny how I tend to get my inspiration to write in the middle of the  night. As I still try to find my voice as a writer, I find that the middle of the night is the best time for me. I seem to try and find a voice in a world of a generation more interested in Instagram photos and likes over a selfie on Snapchat and Facebook, but here I am trying to blog in world more interested in reading 140 characters and less.

Anyways, that is my rant for the moment and I am trying to find the words to put down on my site. Since this is a food blog I might as well begin with that…

For the past two years I have been working as a High School Math Teacher, and I am currently leaving the position (Not by choice),  thanks to small town politics and a personal vendetta by two administrators who want to destroy a reputation just to show their power.

Enough about that, this is a food blog and I will keep it as such. So how does this pertain to a food blog? Those of you who are wondering why I am writing this, there is some reason to my rant. I find that no matter how hectic and unpredictable life can get, there is one thing that can make a person forget about personal problems, and that, is the way a meal can temporarily ease the strain of the real world.

The one thing that can ease my weary mind is the fact that at the end of the day no matter how it was, I can sit at my table with my wife and daughter and enjoy a meal, no matter how simple. I find that sitting down at the end of every day, there is a time when a family can come together, and for a small moment, forget all the troubles of their life and enjoy the company of others and enjoy a meal together.

We live in a time where we can easily let our lives take over and forget that family should come before our jobs/careers, and that should change.  We as people need to realize that the fact that our professional lives can easily take over our personal lives and that can be a problem.

In a world a modern as ours we need to take some time, put the phone down, eat and congregate with those we love.

I hope you find these word inspirational,

until then Happy Eating!


In Las Vegas NM,Pedro’s Bakery is your next destination

In Las Vegas NM,Pedro’s Bakery is your next destination

If you ever find yourself in Las Vegas, NM, there is one stop you should make, Pedro’s Bakery. This little shop is located right of I25 on grand avenue and is definitely a destination for those who love baked goods, or those looking for a snack to help ease their travels.

This little shop has only been open for 5 years, but is run by a man that has a lifetime of experience. Mr. Pedro Garcia has devoted his life in perfecting his craft, before deciding to open his own bakery. He now has the help of his son Juan who greets every customer like he has know them for years, so walking in this place is as welcoming as visiting a close friend.

I have had the pleasure of visiting Las Vegas on numerous occasions and I make sure to come to this bakery. It doesn’t seem to matter what you decide to buy, because with every bite you take, the flavors you experience will blow you away.

When you sink your teeth into any of Pedro’s confections, you can taste the love that is put into every recipe. With every bite is the evidence of a man who loves what he does and loves to share it with anyone willing to come by.

This has to be the best bakery in Northern New Mexico and is definitely worth your visit. I promise, you will not be disappointed. If you crave a great Tres Leches cake, look no further, just make sure to call in ahead of time to place your order. Until then Happy Eating!

The bakery is located at 525 Grand Ave, Las Vegas, NM 87701.

phone number 505-454-9142