A Successful Shot

A Successful Shot

As a hobby I like to to practice photography. I can never say that I’m an expert at it, but it is something I do enjoy. I am always looking for an opportunity to to snap photos.

Yesterday I went out with my family after a snowstorm to see what my camera would catch, and to my surprise as I was trying to capture a beautiful landscape shot something unexpected happened.

A family of deer came up to us and I had to take advantage of the situation and started shooting. It was amazing how close they came to us, so I figured I would share my favorite shot from yesterday.

I posted on Facebook and have gotten great reviews so feel free to let me know how you feel.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

via Daily Prompt: Successful

New Year, New Interior Self

New Year, New Interior Self

A new year has begun and I am ready to take it on! This past year has been a challenging one for myself but I ended it on a good note. Receiving a giant kiss at the stroke of midnight from the woman I love and mother to my child!

I always tend to reflect on my interior self and look to make improvements. Since I am only human, I am a flawed person and have made some small mistakes. After all hindsight is 20/20.

For some reason 2016 was a challenging year for me personally  and I found it hard to stay positive. With the loss of my teaching job I fell into a state of depression. I come from a really small town and finding a new career that pays well is no easy task. I always thought that getting my business degree would make this type of transition easier, but honestly it’s not.

If it wasn’t the support of my wife I honestly don’t know how I would’ve gotten through it. One thing is for certain is she is my rock and she was the only person who supported me  in that time of difficulty.

It was her positivity and support that kept me going, so this year I am starting the year with a positive outlook. I have a great new job and a wonderful family at my side.

When my wife and I married 4 years ago, we were in college so I could not afford to get her a proper wedding band, so to surprise her I took her to a jewelry store and bought her the ring I promised years ago.

As I start the year on the right foot my hope for everyone is to do the same!

Happy New Year Everyone!



via Daily Prompt: Interior