A week of green chile

A week of green chile

It is amazing what we take for granted in our daily lives. This concept has become more evident recently when my brother-in-law came to my family’s house for his annual vacation. We don’t realize how important the food we grew up with is to us, but you don’t realize what you take for granted until you no longer have it at your disposal.

I can still remember the fist time I came back to New Mexico after living in Arizona for 6 years, I went to the first Lotaburger I came across and ordered the biggest green chile cheese burger they offer. I can’t even fathom the number of Allsup’s Chimichangas I gobbled down.

We all dream of growing up and leaving home yet, after a long hiatus, we tend to seek out the simple comforts of home even if that means spending a week eating green chile in its many forms. I’m talking from enchiladas, chile for breakfast, green chile cheeseburgers, and I swear I tasted green chile in my toothpaste.

Believe me when I say that it is possible to get a green chile overload. I even tried something that I never would have thought I would, and that is green chile flavored peanut brittle… I shit you not.

With that note, I guess even a Native New Mexican can discover something new everyday. After a green chile filled week, I think I’m going to end it with a nice plate of spaghetti.

Until Then happy eating!

Disco Fever

Disco Fever

It has been a little over a month since my wife bought me a Disco ( as we call it in Northern New Mexico) or a cowboy wok ( as it is called everywhere else), and I have found many opportunities to use it.

Now that I think about it, I think my wife got me this gift just so I can cook more… Touche dear wife touche.


Ulterior motives set aside, I still love it. One thing that I am finding out is there is a learning curve when using this type of grill. I guess you cook some, you burn some. It has definitely been an interesting month with my new grill, and I have shouted many obscenities in my quest to master this thing. My biggest failure would have to be breakfast, I can’t believe that something as simple as potatoes and eggs could be so difficult. I swear it tasted like I was licking the wrong end of a burnt matchstick. It seemed like I was learning to cook all over again. The upside is my family ate it with no criticism and I and very humbled for that.

I must say that I am finally getting ahead of the curve and cooking on my new grill is becoming easier the more that I use it. I would have to say that my food on this contraption has changed from hellfire charred to actual food worthy of consumption.

As I get better at my grill I will stat to share some recipes.

Until then Happy Eating!